Cancellations 30 days prior to the event can receive a 100% refund, cancellation 29 to 14 days prior receive a 50% refund and any cancellation less than 14 days prior receives no refund, however you can replace your booking with another client should you find one.
All cancellations are subject to a 5% non-refundable charge
6 runs qualifies as a full day.
For each run not delivered guests can qualify for a refund of ¥10,000 per run Minimum group numbers apply.
In the case of low numbers, we will attempt to reschedule your booking.
We recommend you purchase your own trip cancellation insurance in case you need to cancel for injury or any other unforeseen circumstances.
All customers are required to read and sign our liability waiver before participating in the tour.
Failure to do so will result in cancellation of the tour without refund. All participants under the age of 16 must have a parent or legal guardian sign their release of liability.
All minors must be at least 13 years of age and accompanied by a guardian or parent while on the tour.
We reserve the right to cancel any tour at any time, typically due to weather or unsafe back country travel conditions.
We ask members to be honest about their skill levels.
If you have booked and paid for a trip, but your skills are insufficient for the tour, we will try to accommodate you with another program if possible, but we will not issue refunds.
Terms and conditions are subject to change at the discretion of Iwanai Resort.