Risk Free Booking - Myoko Offer | SamuraiSnow
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Risk Free Booking - Myoko Offer

Book now with no deposit payment.

Applicable Stay Dates: 1st December 2022 to 31st March 2023

Full Payment Due: 75 days before check in

FREE Cancellation with no obligation or fees if you cancel up to 75 days before arrival

Room Availability Information / Booking

The light blue bar at the top of the page shows the price and availability status of the accommodation (Available OR Enquire for Availability) for the stay dates listed.

When changing the stay dates, be sure to click the Update button to get the price and availability status of the new dates.

Where a discount is on offer, the pricing shown has the discount already applied.

Checking Availability

If the availability status is “Enquire for Availability” you can check availability by clicking on the “Enquire Now” button and submitting the accommodation enquiry form.

Please ensure you select “I/we would like to Check if this accommodation is available” in the first field of the form.

We will respond to you via email to confirm the availability status within 24-48 hours.


To proceed with booking the accommodation, click on the “Book Now” button and submit the accommodation enquiry form.

Please ensure you select “I/we would like to Book this accommodation” in the first field of the form.

Within 24-48 hours, we will send instructions to you on how to pay the deposit required to secure the booking.

The price of bookings is fixed in Japanese Yen but you can pay in your home currency.
